Each tier also has a kit of items that are unique to the Role and can be unlocked to purchase using Role Tokens. Unlocking a Role Rank earns Role Tokens and new skills or items, which can be unlocked by the Tokens. Every 5 ranks the player will earn a new tag: Novice, Promising, Established and Distinguished. Role XP counts towards the progression through 20 Role Ranks. It’s the same XP for a feather as it is for a. If you want to do that cheaply, just give away flight feathers, duck feathers, and the like.
I just donated all the feathers all the time. Make two of those deliveries and you’ve probably already reached 20. Each Role automatically earns Role XP as player complete Role’s activities. It isn’t until you start delivering full large wagon sales that you make a lot of XP. With each role the player gains unique items and skills as they progress.
Posses are the games way of creating gangs, as the game allows players to even name Posses, give them an emblem, set up a permanent camp and customize it in a variety of ways. With each Role, you’ll always have new pursuits to embark upon that lead to unique items and skills as you progress, in addition to cash and gold payouts. In Red Dead Online, players can band together in Posses. Specialist Roles are unique paths of progression, each providing their own experiences allowing you to become even more deeply connected to your character and the choices you make as you inhabit the world of Red Dead Online.